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Hello, I am Claudio Carnino.

I am a developer and a founder.

As a web3 dev I created or contributed to Matcha, Livepeer Studio, NFT Map Quest, Starknet Hardhat TypeScript Example and Cairo Utils Web.

As an iOS contractor, I contributed to Depop, Bumble, Eurosport, Dicovery Kids, TravelSupermarket, Net-a-Porter and Busuu.

As a founder, I created Mastering the iOS Interview, Fluidtable, TechNews, Decryptoray, OloTV, Fanchimp, Hinii, Challengein, Cocktail Startup, Crocofan,, Tiny Squares, Shelfy, InstaQuote, Angels and Demons, Video Recipes Best Of.

I tweet and blog sometimes.

Write me maybe.